Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Tuesday said the meeting with Union Home Minister Amit Shah was positive and all parties have stressed on restoring peace in the national capital.
"Meeting with HM Amit Shah was positive and it was decided that all parties will take steps to restore peace," he told reporters after the meeting.
"The police are doing their bit and HM has assured that whatever force is needed, will
be provided," Kejriwal said.
Shah on Tuesday held a meeting to discuss the prevailing situation in the national capital after violence in northeast Delhi over the amended citizenship law left seven people, including a head constable, dead.
Delhi's Lieutenant Governor Anil Baijal, Kejriwal, Commissioner of Police Amulya Patnaik, Congress leader Subhash Chopra, BJP's Manoj Tiwari and Ramvir Bidhuri attended the meeting.