New Delhi: Government has said that mentally retarded child of a deceased government employee or Pensioner is entitled to Family Pension. Minister of State for Personnel, Public Grievances, Dr Jitendra Singh said, it has come to the notice of the Department that in some cases the Banks are not allowing Family Pension in respect of a mentally retarded child through the person nominated by the Pensioner or his spouse and they insist for a Guardianship Certificate issued by a Court of Law.
He emphasised that the Government follows the Mantra of Good Governance for bringing Ease of Living to the common man. Dr Singh said, the provision for nomination for Family Pension is intended to avoid any hassle to the child suffering from a mental disability in obtaining
Guardianship Certificate from the Court or in claiming Family Pension after the death of his parents. He said, insisting for a Guardianship Certificate by a Bank in such cases defeats the purpose of such nomination and also violates the statutory provisions of Central Civil Service (Pension) Rules.
The Minister said, Chairman and Managing Directors of all Pension Disbursing Banks have been advised to issue suitable instructions to their Branches for payment of Family Pension in respect of a mentally retarded child through the person nominated by the Government servant in accordance with the statutory provisions of the Rules. He also asked not to insist for a Guardianship Certificate issued by Court of Law in such cases.