Just a day after Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan's letter to the Prime Minister urging a central investigation into the gold smuggling case, the Ministry of Home Affairs on Thursday has permitted a probe by the National Investigation Agency (NIA). Permitting NIA probe in the matter, MHA Spokesperson stated that the organised smuggling operation may have 'serious implications' for national security. With several links between the Kerala CMO and the smuggling racket emerging, the Opposition in the state has also been demanding CM Vijayan's resignation for an 'impartial
In another major update, the man who has been arrested in the smuggling case by the Customs has been remanded for further investigation. Additional Chief Judicial Magistrate (Economic Offences) Court sent Sarith, a former employee of a foreign country's consulate in Kerala, to the custody of the Customs Preventive Commissionerate till July 15.
The Customs suspects that a smuggling syndicate had misused the name of a person who enjoys diplomatic immunity by sending the gold concealed in a parcel of bathroom equipment.