Union Railways Minister, Piyush Goyal today said detailed Covid-19 related instructions and warnings governing entry and movement of passengers at the stations and in trains have been issued.
In a written reply in Lok Sabha, Mr. Goyal said, the instructions cover precautions to be taken while booking and cancellation of tickets, catering service and linen on trains and protocol regarding entry and movement of passengers in stations and trains in line with advisory issued by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare and Ministry of Home Affairs. The Minister informed that 32 thousand 6 hundred and 41 railway employees were
affected with corona, out of which 5 hundred and 92 employees died.
In another written reply, Mr. Goyal said that Railways is keeping a close watch on the situation and is resuming train services in a phased manner. He further said that the overall profit or loss of Railways is calculated at the close of a financial year. He said, owing to the adverse impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and consequential discontinuation and partial resumption of passenger services there has been a decline of Rs. 34,750.51 crore in passenger revenues over Indian Railways at the end of January 2021 compared to the corresponding period of the previous year.