Visakhapatnam: The Visakhapatnam election officials seized Rs 13.41 crore so far which was seized under model conduct of code violation, said collector and district election officer Dr A. Mallikarjuna. Addressing a press conference in Visakhapatnam on Tuesday, the collector said six check posts have been set up and around 6,000 police personnel would be deployed for the election duty to prevent any untoward incidents. He said action was taken against 71 government employees for violation of model code and an FIR was registered against 28 employees. 

Similarly 54 FIRs were registered against political parties. He said 61 complaints were received from the public to the complaint redressal desk and 57 of them were resolved.

Stating that the nomination process went on peacefully, the collector said efforts were being made to conduct the elections in a transparent way. He said home polling would be held on May 7

and May 8 for the voters above the age of 85 years and people with 40 per cent physical disability. If the voters miss these two dates, they would be given a chance to vote on May 9. Around 1,523 voters have registered for home voting, the collector said.

The government employees engaged in election duty, police , transport and emergency services could avail postal voting facility at facilitation centre being set up in Andhra University on May 5, May 6, May 7 and May 8. Around 11,221 employees have registered their names, the collector said. He said after nominations were withdrawn, 33 candidates remained in fray for the Visakhapatnam Lok Sabha and 101 for the assembly constituencies. “Official machinery is ready to conduct the polls in a peaceful manner,’’ the collector told the reporters. The Visakhapatnam district has 20,12,373 voters as on April 25, the collector added.

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