New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra
Modi returned home last night after a five-day visit of UK and Turkey. The
visit to these countries have opened new possibilities in various fronts for
India. During his visit, Prime Minister took part in G-20 summit at Antalya in
Turkey. Fight against terrorism dominated the agenda following Paris terror
attacks. Mr Modi's engagements with British Prime Minister David Cameron will
help deepen ties between the two countries.
United Kingdom has expressed its deep
willingness to extend is trade with India and favors more investment by British
companies. David Cameron has reiterated their support for India’s claim of
permanent membership in united nations security council. Both the countries has
also signed number of MOUs.
Importance of UK visit also got reflected by
Inviting prime minister Modi to address joint session British parliament.
While Taking part in G-20 summit at Antalya in Turkey Prime Minister made several crucial interventions on terrorism, economy, clean energy, global trading system and IMF reforms also got reflected in the final outcome of G-20 summit. In a working session Mr Modi successfully proposed a 10 point plan to find solution of terrorism and refugee crisis. During stay in Turkey another feather added to this visit between India and Australia as 2 PMs announced completion of procedures for Civil Nuclear Agreement.
Do you think Canada-India relations will improve under New PM Mark Carney?