BJP leader Mohan Majhi will be the first Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) Chief Minister of Odihsa as the 24-year-old tenure of Biju Janata Dal (BJD) chief Naveen Patnaik ended following a massive defeat in the State Assembly elections. Mohan Charan Majhi won the Keonjhar seat with a margin of around 87,815 votes. He defeated BJD's Mina Majhi from the constituency.
Notably, the BJP had ruled the state as an alliance partner of the BJD in 2000 and 2004 and this is the first time that
the party will form the government on its own in Odisha.
Kanak Vardhan Singh Deo and Pravati Parida will be the next Odisha's Deputy Chief Ministers.
BJP leader Pravati Parida won the Nimapara Assembly constituency in Odisha by defeating BJD's Dillip Kumar Nayak with a margin of 4,588 votes.
The names were selected at the BJP legislature party meeting, which was attended by Union Ministers Rajnath Singh and Bhupender Yadav as observers.