Shimla: The monsoon session of the Himachal Pradesh Assembly will begin in Shimla today. This is the third session of the 14th State Assembly, with seven sittings concluding on the 25th of September. Assembly Speaker Kuldeep Singh Pathania said members have sent questions to highlight issues related to their respective constituencies. Till now, 743 questions including 547 starred and 196 unstarred have been received through online and offline mediums.
Several legislators have sent questions to the Assembly Secretariat on subjects like the impact of heavy rains and natural disasters in the
state, efforts made by the government to deal with the disaster, the poor state of roads, and the status of DPRs of approved road projects. The Speaker urges cooperation and public interest issues in the House session.
The Parliamentary Affairs Minister, Harsh Vardhan Chauhan, has said that the upcoming assembly session will address the recent natural disaster. If the House agrees, a proposal will be sent to the Center to declare it a national disaster. The Minister hopes for cooperation from the opposition to ensure a productive session.