Union Home Minister Amit Shah said that more than 360 Vibrant Villages will have 4G connectivity by June this year. Mr Shah said this while interacting with special guests from the Vibrant Villages in New Delhi on Saturday, on the eve of 76th Republic Day. He noted that out of the 662 Vibrant Villages, 474 such villages will have on-grid electrification and 127 villages will have off-grid electrification. The minister said that these schemes and initiatives are part of the government’s mission to transform these vibrant villages through a bottom to top approach.
Mr Shah said that Vibrant villages must also have a vibrant health structure, infrastructure,
connectivity, culture, tourism, living standards and economic growth. He said that the BSF and the Army are now being asked to buy basic commodities from their nearest villages to boost local economy and prevent outmigration.
He said that these steps have helped assure them of their stake in India’s growth, national integration and togetherness. Mr Shah said that by inviting and hosting them at different national festivals, the government is bridging the gap and bringing them into the mainstream.
Mr Shah was also joined by Union ministers Jagat Prakash Nadda, Jual Oram, Kiren Rijiju and Nityanand Rai.