The oil marketing companies have initiated transfer of Rs 5,606 crore to 7.15 Crore Pradhan Mantri Ujwala Yojana beneficiary accounts for availing free delivery of LPG cylinder under the Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan package. Booking of 1.26 Crore cylinders has been done in this month by the beneficiaries, out of which about 85 lakh cylinders have been delivered to PMUY beneficiaries.

There are 27.87 Crore active LPG consumers in the country, with the PMUY beneficiaries accounting for over 8 crore. Since the lockdown, 50 to 60 lakh cylinders are being delivered daily in the country. When there is nationwide lockdown and the people are staying home to stay safe, LPG delivery boys and all those in the supply chain of LPG are working tirelessly to ensure that clean fuel reaches people directly at their homes.

The Centre has

announced pro-poor initiatives under Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Yojana, as part of economic response to COVID-19. As per this scheme, free LPG Refills are to be provided to Ujjwala beneficiaries over the period of 3 months, from April to June.

From Mountainous terrain to backwaters, hamlets in deserts to habitations in forests, these Corona warriors are steadfast in their duties and ensuring timely delivery. Even in these trying times, the waiting period for cylinders at most of the places is less than 2 days.

All Customers, holding an installed LPG connection under Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana as of 31st March, are eligible to get the benefits of the Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Yojana. The scheme has started from 1st April and will continue upto 30th June. 

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