In the Rajya Sabha yesterday, the treasury bench brought a motion of censure against opposition Samajwadi Party member Jaya Bachchan over her alleged unparliamentary remark about the Chairman of the Upper House, Jagdeep Dhankhar. Leader of the House and Union Health Minister JP Nadda moved the motion of censure against the conduct of the opposition member in the Upper House. He said that the comments from the opposition were unparliamentary and highly objectionable. 

The Chairman took strong exception to the remarks made by the SP member and stated that no one would be allowed to undermine the reputation of the Chair. The Chair’s objection was specifically to the comments made by the SP member regarding the tone, language, and temperament of the Chairman.
Members from the treasury bench also objected to Jaya Bachchan’s comments. Amid the ruckus, opposition members walked out of the House. Subsequently, several members and union ministers criticized the opposition, alleging that they were trying to undermine the decorum of the House and the Chair. 

The Question Hour was not held yesterday, and the House was adjourned three times over the issue. Union Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan said the conduct of the opposition was unacceptable and that they must apologize to the Chair. Former Prime Minister and JD(S) leader HD Devegowda stated that, as members of the House, respect for the ruling and appeal of the Chair

is essential.
Union Minister of State for Skill Development and Entrepreneurship Jayant Chowdhary said every member has a duty to abide by the Chair’s decision and that stern action should be taken against members who repeatedly violate it. JD(U) Executive President Sanjay Kumar Jha called the reference to the Chairman as “colleague” by the opposition member highly derogatory and demanded stern action against Jaya Bachchan. Union Minister of State for Agriculture Ram Nath Thakur also echoed his party’s stance. Minister of State for Social Justice and Empowerment Ramdas Athawale termed the incident a “black day” and demanded an apology from the opposition.
BRS member KR Suresh Reddy and NCP leader Praful Patel also condemned the comments made against the Chairman. Earlier, opposition members from Congress, TMC, DMK, RJD, and other parties staged a walkout from the Rajya Sabha amid the uproar over Jaya Bachchan’s remarks.
After the completion of the Zero Hour, Chairman Jagdeep Dhankhar was making a statement on alleged objectionable comments by BJP member Ghanshyam Tiwari against Leader of Opposition Mallikarjun Kharge. During this, SP member Jaya Bachchan made comments about the Chairman, which provoked him. Mr. Dhankhar took strong exception to Jaya Bachchan’s comments, stating that her conduct was against the decorum of the House.

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