In Madhya Pradesh, Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan inaugurated the country's first solar city Sanchi yesterday. On this occasion, he said that Sanchi would soon become a net zero city. Mr. Chouhan said that as per the wish of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, we have inaugurated the first Solar City in Madhya Pradesh.
The Chief Minister called upon the people to plant trees and make maximum use of renewable energy. He also announced the start of an irrigation system with solar pumps for the farmers.
solar panels have been installed in all institutions like railway stations, schools, government offices, street lights, and post offices in Sanchi. Solar study lamps are also being used in homes in the city. Annually about 13 thousand 747 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions will be reduced in Sanchi Solar City, which is equivalent to more than two lakh adult trees. Along with this, there will be a saving of more than seven crore rupees annually in the energy-related expenditure of the government and the citizens.