Raigarh: Union Defence Minister Rajnath Singh on Tuesday said that BJP does not do politics only to form the government, but our party does politics to form the society and to prosper the country. Addressing the Kisan Kalyan Mahakumbh organized at Mohanpura in Rajgarh district of Madhya Pradesh, Rajnath Singh said that the farmer of the country is not just an Annadata or Jivandata but also a Bhabishyadata as they are laying the foundation for a strong future of the country through their record food production.
He said that due to farmers endeavours, our country is among the top countries in the world in the production of many products including wheat, rice, tea and sugar.
He called upon the farmers that if you keep producing like this, then
in 2027 our economy will be the third largest in the world.
Mentioning the efforts being made for the betterment of women, the Defence Minister said that various steps like Ujjwala, tap water, toilet in every house and recruitment of daughters in the army have been taken by the Narendra Modi Government.
Addressing the program, Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan announced to increase the amount of Mukhyamantri Kisan Kalyan Yojana from Rs 4,000 to Rs 6,000 per annum.
He said that Prime Minister Narendra Modi is giving 6 thousand rupees and now the state government will also give 6,000 rupees. Now the farmers of Madhya Pradesh will get 12,000 rupees in a year.