The Madhya Pradesh government has ordered a 'corona curfew' in the state capital Bhopal to counter the recent surge in Covid-19 cases. The curfew has been enforced from April 12, 9 PM till April 19, 6am.
Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan while interacting with the media has said that the crisis of Remdesivir injection will be over in the next two-three days. There is an adequate arrangement of oxygen in the state, it is being reviewed every day.
As per the order, essential services will
be exempted from the corona curfew, including healthcare services, the Covid-19 vaccination, exams, health services, travellers going to airport, bus stops and railway stations and other essential services.
Earlier this month, the Madhya Pradesh government decided to enforce night curfews and weekend lockdowns in parts of the state witnessing a surge in new cases of infection.
Madhya Pradesh on Monday reported 6,489 fresh coronavirus positive cases, while 37 patients succumbed to the infection.