Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan's son Aryan Khan, 2 others produced before the court after the end of their one-day custody given to the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) on Sunday. The NCB had arrested them after raiding the Goa-bound ship. The court, in its order, noted that the investigation in the case was of prime importance and therefore extended their custody till October 7.
As per the latest update, the Mumbai Police has begun its probe into the cruise ship case. It is seeking details about the permission of the party held at the cruiseliner in which a number of popular faces from showbiz were arrested, including Shah Rukh Khan and Gauri's son Aryan Khan. A
local court on Monday extended till October 7 the NCB remand of Aryan Khan and two others in connection with the seizure of banned drugs from a cruise ship off the city coast, observing their further interrogation was required for investigation which is of prime importance.
The trio was produced before the court after the end of their one-day custody given to the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) on Sunday. The NCB had arrested them after raiding the Goa-bound ship. Additional Chief Metropolitan Magistrate R M Nerlikar also remanded to NCB custody till October 7, the six other accused who were arrested in the case late Sunday night and produced in the court on Monday.