The Mumbai Police on Wednesday morning raided the home of Republic TV owner and Chief Editor Arnab Goswami. They took him to their crime branch office.
Republic TV slammed the move for "parading the editor of a top Indian news channel like a criminal, pulled by the hair, threatened, not allowed to drink water".
Goswami alleged that he was physically assaulted by the cops. Visual flashed on Republic TV showed Goswami being forced into a police van.
He has been arrested for allegedly abetting the suicide of a 53-year-old interior designer, say police.
Union Cabinet Minister Smriti Irani denounced the capture of columnist Arnab Goswami, saying in the event that those in free press don't stand up on the side of him, at that point they
are strategically on the side of one party rule.
Inside architect Anvay Naik and his mom Kumud Naik were discovered dead at their cabin in Alibaug in May 2018. Naik's girl Adnya guaranteed non-installment of levy by Republic TV had driven her dad and grandma to self destruction.
The authority said a team of Alibaug police picked up Goswami from his residence in Mumbai.
In May this year, Maharashtra Home Minister Anil Deshmukh had announced that a re-investigation has been ordered on a fresh complaint by Adnya Naik, daughter of the architect Anvay Naik.
Deshmukh had said Adnya alleged that the Alibaug police had not investigated the alleged non-payment of dues from Goswami's channel, which she claimed drove her father and grandmother to suicide in May 2018