Mumbai: In view of the rising Omicron cases, Mumbai Police has announced fresh curbs on gatherings. As per the notification issued by Mumbai’s Deputy Police Commissioner (Operations) S Chaitanya has said that events, gatherings, and functions being organized in open or closed spaces must remain limited to fifty percent of the total capacity, adding that all the visitors and guests must be fully vaccinated. The order adds that if the total number of people exceeds one thousand, then the local disaster management authority must be informed.
Besides, the order
states that all citizens must practice COVID-appropriate behavior at all times. All shops, establishments, malls, events, etc. must be manned by fully vaccinated persons, adding that permission for using public transport is only given to fully vaccinated people. The order further states that persons traveling into Maharashtra shall be either fully vaccinated or carry an RT-PCR test valid for 72 hours.
This order will remain in force from today and penal action will be initiated against persons found flouting the norms.