In a heartwarming incident, a Muslim family in Karnataka's Mangaluru stepped forward to shoulder the responsibility of a Hindu girl's wedding on July 11. The bride's family was about to call off the wedding when the Muslim family stepped in and decided to take care of all the wedding expenses and sponsored everything from bridal jewellery to the wedding outfit.
Financial Crisis Of The Family
Kavana, lost her father to chickenpox six years ago, and her mother has been bedridden due to a slip disc ailment. They had to sell their house due to the crisis and Kavana's mother began working as a domestic help to make ends meet. Kavana has an elder sister, Kavya, who was married several years ago. Kavana dropped out of school after her SSLC due to the crisis, reported The Times of India.
Kavya's in-laws brought a proposal for marriage from Ranjith in Kerala, who works as a civil contractor. They decided to get married. Her
family, however, did not share their financial condition with anyone. As the wedding day got closer, they were almost on the verge of canceling the event until MK Razak and his family stepped in. Kavana's distant relative, Suresh, called Razak to join him on a visit to his relative's place and he went along. "I asked them why the family were using firewood. Suresh said the family could not afford LPG or ration and that they were planning to cancel their daughter's wedding. The pandemic had left them hungry and unemployed," he added.
After seeing their plight, Razak went home and discussed it with his family and in-laws. They decided to take up the responsibility of the girl's wedding. Razak then provided a gas cylinder, groceries, and other necessary items. Kavana's mother, Geetha, thanked the MK family and said that she would always pray for the family's welfare in times to come. This was the first time that money was allocated exclusively for a wedding from MK Group's Marriage Fund.