President Droupadi Murmu, Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar and Prime Minister Narendra Modi have expressed grief over the passing of former Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh. In her message, the President said, that Dr Singh was one of those rare politicians who also straddled the worlds of academia and administration with equal ease. President Murmu also said the former Prime Minister has made critical contributions in his various roles in public offices to reforming the Indian Economy.
In his message, Mr Dhankhar called the former Prime Minister a distinguished economist who transformed India’s economic landscape.
In his message, Prime Minister Modi said that India mourns the loss of one of its most distinguished leaders. He noted that Dr. Singh, rising from humble origins, became a respected economist. Mr. Modi said he served in various government positions as well, including as Finance Minister, leaving a strong imprint on India’s economic policy over the years. He also praised Dr Singh’s insightful interventions in Parliament and his extensive efforts to improve the lives of people during his tenure as Prime Minister.
In his condolence message, Union Home Minister Amit Shah said Dr Manmohan Singh played an important role in the governance of the country, from being the Governor of the RBI
to the Finance Minister and the Prime Minister.
In his message, Union Minister and BJP President JP Nadda said that Dr Singh’s leadership earned admiration and respect across party lines and his legacy will continue to inspire generations in their pursuit of nation-building.
Union Information and Broadcasting Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw has expressed sadness over the loss and highlighted that Dr. Singh’s leadership, humility, and dedication will always be remembered.
In his condolence message, Congress President Mallikarjun Kharge said, India has lost a visionary statesman, a leader of unimpeachable integrity, and an economist of unparalleled stature. He emphasized that Dr Singh’s immense contributions to nation-building will forever be etched in the annals of Indian history.
In his message, Congress leader Rahul Gandhi said, Dr Singh led India with immense wisdom and integrity. He added that Dr Singh’s humility and deep understanding of economics inspired the nation.
In his condolence message, Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar described Dr Singh’s demise as an irreparable loss for Indian politics. He said, under Dr. Singh’s leadership, the Indian economy was given a new direction.