The National Commission for Women (NCW) has said that it has conducted a thorough investigation into the sexual assault incident at Anna University in Chennai. The Commission said that after taking suo motu cognizance of the case at the University, it promptly dispatched a Fact-Finding Committee to Chennai for an investigation. During the visit, the committee undertook a series of actions to ensure a thorough review of the incident and the ongoing investigation.
The committee met the victim and her relatives to understand the details of the incident and
provide necessary support. Besides, meeting with the Governor of Tamil Nadu, the Committee also held interactions with the Home Secretary, Director General of Police and the Commissioner of Chennai to review the progress and ensure appropriate action.
The NCW said that it remains committed to ensuring justice for the victims and reinforcing safety measures within educational institutions. It added that a detailed report with recommendations will be compiled and submitted to the Chairperson of the NCW shortly.