Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday (June 4) delivered a victory speech at the BJP headquarters in the national capital after the NDA crossed the majority mark, even though the saffron party fell short of the magic number of 272 seats on its own. He thanked the people of the country for voting the NDA to power for the third straight term with majority and called it the victory of the "biggest democracy of the world".

"I am indebted to the people of the country for their blessings. The NDA government for the third time is certain. The people of the country have reposed their faith in the BJP and NDA. This is a victory of the biggest democracy of the

world," he said while addressing the party workers.

The Prime Minister said that his next government's focus will be to uproot corruption in all forms.

"NDA government will work with full force to make India the third-largest economy in the world. Digital India and technology has shut down various methods of corruption. But this is also true that fight against corruption is getting tougher day by day. When eulogising corruption for political motives, and all limits of shamelessness are crossed, then corruption gets strength. Therefore, the focus of the third term of the NDA government will be to uproot the corruption of all types," he said.
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