The National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) will be conducting a two-day disaster management-related mock exercise at Jammu Airport in the non-aviation domain from today based on an earthquake scenario. The mock exercise will be conducted in collaboration with the Jammu & Kashmir Disaster Management Department (JKDMA) and the Airport Authority of India, Jammu.
The main objective of the Mock Exercise is to highlight the key roles and responsibilities of various stakeholders in various simulated hazard situations institutionalise the adoption of the Incident Response System (IRS) in the response mechanism and generate public awareness regarding
Disaster Management.
The Mock & TTEX’s are designed to appraise all key functionaries related to disaster management of their roles and responsibilities on various simulated or other natural and manmade hazards, discern areas for further improvement, and set the stage for the conduct of the Mock Exercise. This exercise is aimed at gauging the responses of various stakeholders to a simulated hazard or emergency. Further, there will be deliberation on various facets of disaster management including preparedness, mitigation, evacuation, relief procedures, etc., to draw important lessons for further improvement.