New Delhi: Women and Child Developement Minister Smriti Irani has said that under the Ayushman Bharat Yojana, crores of Indians have received massive medical benefits. Speaking at a India Today Conclave organised in New Delhi, She said, thirty-one crore Indians have received screenings for cancer free of cost. Of this, 17 crore are Indian women, who have screened themselves for cervical and breast cancer, she added.
The Minister said, these women stepped up and utilised healthcare programs, which means women were aware of the challenges and were waiting for a workable resolution. Irani said, this is the new India she is proud
The Minister said, New India provided free food to the people of the country in the times of the pandemic and provided them additional support even after the pandemic's impact lowered. She said, Prime Minister Narendra Modi introduced the country to digital payments, which has now made 40 million Indians digitally literate.
On Rahul Gandhi's recent remarks on Indian democracy, Smriti Irani said, democracy is not under threat, the Congress party is. She said, those who perish, cannot subjugate the aspirations of India and connect it to their own political aspirations.