Chennai: In Tamil Nadu, a new set of restrictions come into force from this morning to curb the spread of Covid-19. As part of the extended lockdown conditions, all places of worship will remain closed for devotees on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays to avoid crowding. The state chief minister MK Stalin has announced that the new lockdown norms will be in force for two weeks till the 23rd of this month.
Meanwhile, the state witnessed 1956 new Covid-19 cases yesterday, while 1807 people recovered. Tamil Nadu Government is contemplating on reopening of schools for the 9th to 12th
classes from 1st September, with 50-percent attendance, and also by following Covid appropriate behaviours. It is aimed at avoiding learning gaps that normally arise due to prolonged online classes.
It is also to overcome the complaints of lack of gadgets for online courses for all and to avoid the net connectivity issues that are being reported often from different places. Furthermore, medical and paramedical colleges are allowed to reopen from the 16th of this month, most of whose students are already vaccinated.