In Karnataka, National Investigation Agency (NIA) conducted searches in Bhatkal and arrested key accused Jufri Jawhar Damudi in connection with a conspiracy to radicalise and recruit Muslim youth in India to wage violent jihad against the Indian state as part of ISIS terrorist organisation.
NIA said, ISIS cadres in India have created a network by assuming pseudo-online identities and indulging in promoting ISIS-related propaganda online for radicalising and recruiting members to join Jihad against the state.
NIA investigation has revealed that a cyber entity Abu Hazir Al Badri from ISIS is
involved in the translation of Voice of Hind messages into South Indian languages. Jufri Jawhar Damudi, arrested from Bhatkal in Uttara Kannada district yesterday, is accused of disseminating Voice of Hind messages online to radicalise and recruit people. Jufri’s younger brother is also under detention in a separate NIA case.
NIA said that Jufri was in touch with ISIS leadership operating in the Afghanistan-Pakistan region. During the searches yesterday in Bhatkal, a large number of digital devices such as mobile phones, hard disks, SD cards were seized by the sleuths.