The National Investigation Agency (NIA) on 2nd July 2023, Sunday conducted raids at multiple locations in Bihar, Gujarat, and Uttar Pradesh in connection with a radicalized module run by Pakistan-based suspects - Ghazwa-e-Hind. The agency conducted a raid at five locations, one in Darbhanga, two in Patna, one in Surat, Gujarat, and one in Bareilly. During the raids, it seized incriminating material, including digital devices and documents.
The case came to light after the arrest of
Marghoob Ahmad Danish of the Phulwarisharif area of the Patna district in Bihar. The accused was found to be a member of the Ghazwa-e-Hind module, which was operated by Pak-based operatives, with the objective of radicalizing impressionable youth for the establishment of Ghazwa-e-Hind over Indian territory. Investigations revealed that Marghoob was the admin of a WhatsApp Group Ghazwa-e-Hind, created by a Pakistani national named Zain.