New Delhi: The National Investigation Agency (NIA) on Thursday conducted searches at multiple locations in Kashmir in connection with the Al-Qaeda case of Lucknow. The searches were conducted at five locations in Shopian and Budgam districts of Kashmir, the agency said in a statement.
The case relates to Umar Halmandi, an Al-Qaeda operative, who along with other accused persons, had been radicalizing and recruiting vulnerable persons for AQIS (Al-Qaeda in Indian Subcontinent) and trying to raise Ansaar
Gajwatul Hind (AGH) to carry out terrorist acts for which they had already arranged arms and explosive substances, it said.
The case was initially registered as FIR No. 10/2021 dated July 11, 2021, by ATS, Uttar Pradesh and NIA had re-registered the same on July 29.During the searches, large number of incriminating documents and digital devices have been seized and further investigation in the case is continuing, it added.