National Investigation Agency will today produce Zahoor Ahmad Shah Watali, arrested in connection with terror funding case in Jammu and Kashmir, before the Special NIA Judge at Patiala House Court in New Delhi. Yesterday, Watali has been arrested following the searches conducted by the agency at multiple locations in Jammu and Kashmir belonging to his relatives and employees.
During the searches, the NIA had unearthed highly incriminating material pertaining to receipt of funds by Watali from foreign sources and its further distribution to the terrorists and separatists in Kashmir valley for anti-India activities. He is
being questioned by the NIA sleuths.
In June, the NIA had seized incriminating documents pertaining to several financial transactions and land deals from Watali’s house in Srinagar. Watali, who is suspected of acting as a conduit for illegally remitting funds to the secessionists, terrorists and stone-pelters, was earlier arrested in 1990 by the J&K police, when some anti-national activists were found present in his house.
He was taken into custody along with separatists Yaseen Malik, Sajjad Gani Lone, Bilal Lone and others and was jailed for eight months.