BENGALURU: The Karnataka government has decided to impose night curfew in Karnataka from 10 pm to 5 am, starting from December 28, 2021 to January 7, 2022 after a meeting held by Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai, Health Minister Dr K Sudhakar and other senior ministers. Chief Secretary Ravi Kumar, senior bureaucrats and COVID-19 Technical Advisory Committee members were also present in the meeting.
In addition to this, only 50 per cent seating capacity will be allowed in pubs, bars, restaurants, hotels and clubs from December 30 to January 2.
"COVID-19 vaccine booster doses for health care workers, frontline workers, those above 60 years and people with comorbidities will be launched on January 10. Vaccination for children aged between 15 and 18 years will be launched on January 3. It is estimated that there are 43 lakh children eligible to take the vaccine in
the state. Guidelines on how to go about this are awaited from the Centre," said Sudhakar.
At the meeting, preventive measures to combat Omicron based on data from India and abroad, probable effects of this new variant, ramping up vaccination and preparedness were discussed. Around 3191 ICU beds will be added to the existing 4000 odd ICU beds in the state and the existing 30,000 oxygen beds will also be increased.
All gatherings, meetings, conferences, marriages from December 28, shall limit the number of participants to 300 people, said an order issued by the state government.
There shall be intensive patrolling and surveillance at all bordering districts adjoining Maharashtra and Kerala to prevent spread of COVID-19, particularly Omicron variant, in the state. The situation will be monitored for 10 days and decisions will be reviewed.