New Delhi: No Confidence Motion brought by the Opposition against the government was defeated in Lok Sabha on 10 August 2023 evening. Earlier, replying to the debate on the motion in the House, Prime Minister Narendra Modi assured the people of Manipur that the entire country is with them and will work together to ensure peace in the state.
He said, Manipur will soon witness peace and development again. He said, the violence in Manipur is saddening and crimes against women are unacceptable. Mr Modi said, efforts are underway by Centre and state government to punish the accused. He alleged that Congress is responsible for most problems in the North-Eastern region.
The Prime Minister said, his government gave top priority to development of North-East. He said, infrastructure development worth lakhs of rupees has been carried out in region in last nine
Mr Modi recalled that India was on the verge of becoming bankrupt in 1991. After 2014, India made it to the top five economies of the world and reform, perform and transform have led the country to this place.
The Prime Minister claimed that I.N.D.I.A alliance is a guarantee of double-digit inflation, corruption, policy paralysis, instability, appeasement, dynasty, unemployment, violence and terrorism. He said that Opposition was not interested in the discussion on important bills aimed at welfare of people.
The Prime Minister asserted that NDA and BJP will come back with a grand victory in 2024, and break all previous records. He assured that during his third term, India will be among the top three economies in the world. The opposition staged a walkout during Mr Modi’s reply.