In Bihar, normal life has been paralysed in flood affected areas. Over 40 lakh people spread over 26 districts including Patna, Katihar, Khagaria and Samastipur are reeling under the impact of flood. Several rivers including Ganga, Sone, Punpun and Kosi are flowing above danger mark and are maintaining rising trend. Vehicular traffic and rail traffic have been disrupted in flood affected areas.
Train services on Bhagalpur- Munger section and Kiul – Bhagalpur section have been remained suspended on second consecutive day due to submergence of railway tracks at
several places. Long route trains have been diverted on alternative routes. Chief Minister Nitish Kumar said all possible assistance is being provided to flood affected people.
Standing crops spread over 80 lakh hectares damaged due to flood. Twenty one teams of NDRF and SDRF are carrying out relief and rescue operations in the affected areas of the state. Over two thousand country boats have been pressed into service for marooned people. 31 relief camps and 254 community kitchen have been set up for flood affected.