Bhubaneshwar: Odisha Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik has said that the state has targeted to achieve 100% house connections for drinking water in all cities by December next year. Speaking at the launch of Swachh Bharat mission 2.0 and AMRUT 2.0 by Prime Minister Narendra Modi yesterday, Mr Patnaik said that Odisha has substantially benefited from AMRUT MISSION launched by the union government in 2015.
Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik said that Odisha capital Bhubaneswar has become the first and only million plus city so far to achieve 100% house connection for tapped water supply. In addition, 26 more cities of the
state out of the total 114 have also achieved the target. Mr Patnaik said, the holy city of Puri has become the first city in the country to have a round-the-clock drink from tap service, similar to the ones available in major international cities like London New York Tokyo and Singapore.
He said, the state has also set a target to set up 100% faecal sludge facilities in all the cities of the state by March next year. On the occasion, he assured Odisha's partnership with the central government in successful implementation of these flagship missions.