Women and Child Development Minister Smriti Zubin Irani yesterday said that one crore 28 lakh beneficiaries received 5,280 crore rupees in their bank accounts through Direct Benefit Transfer. She said, efficiency in the implementation of the Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana, PMMVY has now touched the 90 per cent mark in comparison to 38 per cent in 2018.
Speaking at the function in New Delhi after giving away the PMMVY awards to states, union territories and districts for best performance, she appealed to achieve hundred per cent target in this year. She said, it is to be ensured that no women and children are left out from the benefit of the scheme.
She urged the participants to initiate Jan Andolan in the districts to awaken the people about the risks faced by young girls who are entering into motherhood. She informed that POSHAN Maah will be observed in
the next month to inform the importance of nutritious food, ill effects of anemia, the importance of sanitation and vaccination of mother and child.
In the category of best performance among States and Union Territories having a population of more than one crore, the first position was awarded to Madhya Pradesh followed by Andhra Pradesh and Haryana. Among States and Union Territories having a population of less than one crore, Dadra and Nagar Haveli got the first award.
The Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana is a maternity benefit programme implemented in all the districts of the country since 2017. Under this scheme, the cash incentive of five thousand rupees is being provided directly to the bank and post office account of pregnant women and lactating mothers for the first living child of the family.