New Delhi: Union Health and Family Welfare Ministry has said that pre-registration for vaccination through online registration and prior booking of appointment is not mandatory to avail COVID-19 vaccine. It said, anyone aged 18 years and above can directly go to the nearest vaccination centre wherein the vaccinator performs the on-site registration and provides vaccination.
The Health Ministry has said, 16.45 crore beneficiaries have been registered through on-site mode out of 28.36 crore beneficiaries registered on
Co-WIN. It said, 19.84 crore doses, nearly 80 per cent of all vaccine doses have been administered through onsite and walk-in vaccination.
The Health Ministry has said, the facilitators such as health workers and ASHAs also mobilize beneficiaries in rural areas and those residing in urban slums for administration of vaccines at the nearest vaccination centre. The facility for assisted registrations through the 1075 helpline has also been operationalized.