Operations of Oxygen Express trains have been expanded to Haryana and Telangana after Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Delhi. Continuing the momentum, there are three more trains on the run either carrying Liquid Oxygen or on the way to the loading plants. It is expected that cumulative liquid medical oxygen (LMO) carried by Indian railways will reach almost 640 metric tonne in the next 24 hours.
Haryana will receive its first Oxygen express as a train with two tankers from Angul in Orissa. The continuous stream of Oxygen trains to Haryana will ensure oxygen replenishment to the Covid-19 patients in the state. 

Telangana government has also requested Indian Railways for Oxygen Express. An empty rake is on its way from Secunderabad to Angul with 5 empty tankers and is

expected to reach Angul today.
Uttar Pradesh received its Oxygen Express no. 5 carrying 76.29 metric tonne of liquid medical oxygen yesterday in 5 tankers. One Tanker was offloaded in Varanasi while the remaining 4 tankers are offloaded in Lucknow. Train no. 6 is already on its way to Lucknow and is expected to arrive today carrying 33.18 metric tonne LMO in 4 tankers.
Railways is in full preparedness for providing oxygen transportation services to all the states in need. In the ongoing operation, States provide tankers to the Railways. Railways then proceeds in fastest feasible mode to bring the Oxygen supplies from the locations and delivers it the requisitioning State. The deployment and use of this Oxygen is done by the State Government.

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