After a man from Chennai was arrested for allegedly cheating a woman in Chinchwad, a probe by the Pimpri-Chinchwad police has indicated that the suspect could have cheated more than 100 women after contacting them via matrimonial websites and defrauding them of crores of rupees.
Last week, the suspect, Premraj Thevraj, a resident of Chennai, was arrested for allegedly cheating a woman of Rs 11 lakh by entering into a fake marriage with her. He had met the woman on a matrimonial website in April, police said.
Thevraj was arrested after a well planned operation in which he was asked to come to Pune by the complainant and a trap was
laid, police said. Upon searching him, the police had seized seven cell phones, 13 SIM cards, two Aadhar cards, two PAN cards and two driving licences from him.
Deputy Commissioner of Police Manchak Ippar said, “We have checked the phone records of the arrested suspect and preliminary probe suggests that he has till now cheated more than 100 women. We now know that he contacts women through their matrimonial website page. He has even entered into fake marriages or engagements with some of them. He has defrauded these women using various pretexts. Our probe is underway. The total amount which he may have defrauded these women of may run into crores of rupees.”