Mumbai: Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman said that in the last nine years, more than 3.5 crore pucca houses and around 11.72 crore toilets are constructed in the country.
She was addressing a Press conference on the occasion of the completion of 9 years of NDA Government in Mumbai yesterday. She said,12 crore households have access to clean water which has reduced patients of waterborne diseases, lessened the trouble of citizens, and saved
Free gas connections are given to 9.6 crore families under the Ujwala scheme which has made homes smoke-free and improved the health of women, she added.
Finance Minister mentioned that Ayushman Bharat is world's largest healthcare programme which provides free medical treatment to around five lakh beneficiaries. She said, during COVID - 19 free ration is given to 80 crore people which is more than the population of Europe.