The government has said that over four crore Sukanya Samriddhi accounts have been opened across the country. The scheme was launched on 22nd January 2015 as part of the Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao campaign. This scheme allows parents to open a Sukanya Samriddhi account for girls at any post office or designated commercial bank branch, starting with a minimum initial deposit of 250 rupees.
According to the finance ministry, the scheme is currently offering an interest rate of 8.2 percent per annum. This year, 22nd January marks ten years of the Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana encouraging families to invest in the bright future of their daughters and fostering a culture of inclusion and progress.
The guardian can open the account immediately after the birth of the girl child till she attains the age of 10 years. Any girl child who is a resident Indian from
the time of opening the account till the time of maturity or closure is eligible for the scheme. Only one account is allowed per child. Parents can open a maximum of two accounts for each of their girl children.
However, there is an exception allowed for more accounts in the case of twins or triplets. This scheme allows parents to open a Sukanya Samriddhi account for girls at any post office or designated commercial bank branch, starting with a minimum initial deposit of 250 rupees, and subsequent deposits can be made in multiples of 50 rupees, provided that at least 250 rupees is deposited in a financial year. The total annual deposit limit is capped at one lakh 50 thousand rupees; any excess amount will not earn interest and will be returned. Deposits can be made for a period of up to fifteen years from the account opening date.