Over four thousand five hundred Indian students have returned from Bangladesh so far amid violent protests. External Affairs Ministry said that the High Commission of India in Dhaka has been making arrangements for security escorts for the safe travel of Indian nationals to the border crossing points.
The Ministry also mentioned that five hundred students from Nepal, 38 from Bhutan, and one from Maldives have also arrived in India. It added that the High Commission and Assistant High Commissions continue to be in regular touch with local authorities for the safety and security of Indian nationals. They are also maintaining
regular contact with the remaining students in various universities in Bangladesh and with Indian nationals for their welfare and assistance.
The Ministry further stated that over the past two days, the High Commission of India in Dhaka and the Assistant High Commissions in Chittagong, Rajshahi, Sylhet, and Khulna have been assisting the return of Indian nationals home. It added that the High Commission in Dhaka is also coordinating with the civil aviation authorities of Bangladesh and commercial airlines to ensure the availability of flight services between India and Bangladesh.