New Delhi: Over 49 crore accounts have been opened under Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana since its inception. More than two lakh crore rupees have been deposited in Jan Dhan account. The scheme was launched in 2014 with the aim to provide universal access to banking facilities to people across the country. Minister of State for Finance, Dr Bhagwat Karad said this in a written reply to a question in Lok Sabha yesterday.
He said, the last mile delivery of basic banking
services like cash deposit, cash withdrawal, fund transfer, balance enquiry, and mini statement is being provided to the bank customers through banking outlets. He said, government is monitoring the availability of banking outlets for providing banking services within five kilometers of all inhabited villages. The Minister said, out of over six lakh mapped inhabited villages, more than 99 percent of villages are covered by a banking outlet.