Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan has informed that in the month of April itself the availability of oxygen in the state has increased five times. The corona positivity rate of the state is declining continuously. The state's weekly average positivity rate is 22.7 percent.
Madhya Pradesh on Thursday reported 12,762 new cases while 13,363 patients were recovered from infection. The death of 95 patients increased the fatality count to 5,519. There are 92,077 active COVID-19 cases in the state at present. The number of
active patients had increased to more than 94 thousand which has now decreased.
The highest 1811 new cases have been reported in Bhopal followed by Indore with 1789 new cases. Meanwhile Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan has said that the availability of oxygen in the state is continuously increasing. Chief Minister has expressed gratitude for the cooperation given by Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the concerned Central Ministries for the availability of oxygen during the Corona period.