Following Wednesday's security breach in the Lok Sabha, Speaker Om Birla held a meeting of all party floor leaders and said that the Parliament security system will be reviewed, sources said. Om Birla also told the party leaders that he has written a letter to the special secretary of the Ministry of Home Affairs asking for a security review to be carried out, the sources said.

The Lok Sabha Speaker is also learnt to have said that entry arrangements would be upgraded at all the different gates of Parliament and that full body scanners would be installed.

In a major security breach in Parliament on Wednesday, two men jumped from the Lok Sabha's public gallery into the area where MPs sit, released yellow gas from canisters and shouted slogans. They were soon overpowered by MPs. The incident raised questions about the efficacy of the Parliament building's security arrangements.

Currently, there is a three-layer security check in place for entry into Parliament.

The CRPF is in charge of the security of the outer ring, while a

specialised security team is in charge of the main building. Apart from this, both Houses have their own directors of security.

An MP’s recommendation signature is necessary on the form for getting a visitor’s pass for the Lok Sabha. The visitor has to carry their Aadhar card during the visit.

Upon entering Parliament, visitors have to undergo frisking by the security, following which they have to get a photo identity card made. Their mobile phones are submitted at the reception, and they are then escorted to the visitor’s gallery by security commandos. They are allowed to stay inside the premises for the time duration specified on their passes.

All the agencies conduct a joint security review before every session, and if any additional step has to be taken for security, the Joint Secretary gives security recommendations accordingly.

After the construction of the new Parliament building, over six meetings regarding the security arrangements have been made and an integrated security plan has also been prepared.

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