The Pathanamthitta district authorities in Kerala have suspended the pilgrimage to the hill shrine of Sabarimala today, as places like Pampa, Triveni and Sannidhanam are receiving heavy rainfall. A red alert was issued at the Pampa Dam last night, as the water level in the reservoir rose due to heavy rains in its catchment areas. The dam's shutters are likely to be opened, depending on the inflow into the reservoir. Water is being released from the nearby Kakki reservoir also.
The District Collector Dr. Divya Iyer said pilgrims who have booked through the virtual queue
system for darshan at the hill shrine, will be provided the facility within seven days of lifting the suspension. The authorities have made arrangements for evacuating pilgrims who are already at Pampa and Sabarimala to safe places. The pilgrims have been warned not to enter Pampa river in view of the prevailing situation.
Meanwhile, the water level in the Idukki reservoir is at 2399.74 feet this morning as against its full reservoir level of 2403 ft. At Mullaperiyar dam, the water level stood at 140.95 ft.