Minister for Railways Piyush Goyal has reviewed the progress of Udhampur-Srinagar-Baramulla Rail link Project (USBRL). The USBRL having length of 272 Km long Railway Line from Udhampur to Baramulla joining the Kashmir valley with rest of the country is a National Project.
Out of 272 Km of USBRL Project, work has been completed and commissioned on 161 Km length. The work on intervening stretch of Katra-Banihal section is in progress. This section predominantly involves tunnelling work.
Expressing satisfaction on the progress
of the project, Mr Goyal said that, the aspirations of the people of Jammu and Kashmir has to be fulfilled by completing the project so that the region gets a good transportation system to remain connected to the rest of the country all the year round.
He called upon the engineers working on the project to expedite the remaining portion on mission mode. He also instructed them to complete the procurement of materials and permission procedures on time so that there is no delay in the construction of the line.