New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi has greeted the people of Andhra Pradesh on the state’s Formation Day. He said, the people of Andhra Pradesh are known for their skills, determination and tenacity and that is why they are successful in many fields. He hoped that the people of Andhra Pradesh are always happy, healthy and successful.
Greeting people of Kerala on Kerala Piravi day, Mr Modi said, Kerala is widely admired for its picturesque surroundings and the industrious nature of its people. He hoped that the people of Kerala will succeed in their various endeavors.
Extending his best wishes on the Karnataka Rajyotsava, the Prime Minister said, Karnataka has made a special mark due to the innovative zeal of its people. He said, the state is at the forefront of
outstanding research and enterprise. He hoped that Karnataka will scale newer heights of success in the times to come.
Greeting the people of Chhattisgarh on State Formation Day, Mr Modi wished that the state, which has a unique identity for folklore, folk dance and art culture will set new benchmarks of progress.
Extending his best wishes to the people of Madhya Pradesh on their State foundation day, the Prime Minister hoped that the state, rich in natural resources and art culture, should continue on the path of continuous progress.
Greeting the people of Haryana on State Formation Day, Mr Modi hoped that the state, which preserves tradition and culture, continues to create new standards of development.