New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi has said that democracy is not just a system for our country, it is ingrained in our nature and part of life in India. Addressing the inaugural session of 82nd All India Presiding Officers’ Conference in Shimla yesterday via video conferencing, the Prime Minister stressed that we have to take the country to newer heights, achieve extraordinary goals in the years to come.
These resolutions will be fulfilled only by 'Sabka Prayas’. And in
democracy, in the federal system of India, when we talk about 'Sabka Prayas', then the role of all the states is a big basis for that. Continuing with the importance of ‘Sabka Prayas’, the Prime Minister said, whether it is finding solutions to the decade old problems of the Northeast or completion of all the big projects of development that have been stuck for decades, many such works in the country have been done in the past years, it has been done by everyone's efforts