New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi has advised all Ministers to download the G20 India mobile app ahead of the upcoming G20 Summit. The Prime Minister said that the app would help the Ministers to interact with foreign delegates seamlessly.
The app provides complete information about the G20 India’s Presidency. The mobile app supports 10 languages including five UN official languages other than Hindi, German, Japanese, and Portuguese.
This app will be helpful for the delegates, officials, media
personnel, and people to get information about the Summit. App users can also take a virtual tour of the summit venue.
They can use the navigation feature in the app to travel the multiple venues situated at Bharat Mandapam and Pragati Maidan. There is a dedicated section for the media that includes press releases, documents, speeches, delegate experiences, photos, videos, and much more. There is a special Yoga Break feature, using which users can practice yoga whenever they need a break.