Prime Minister Narendra Modi today announced an advance interim assistance of ₹1,000 crore for cyclone-hit West Bengal. In a video message after reviewing the situation with Governor Jagdeep Dhankhar and Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee in Basirhat in North 24 Parganas district, Modi also announced an ex-gratia of ₹2 lakh to the families of each of those killed during the devastation caused by cyclone Amphan, and ₹50,000 for the injured.

"I announce an advance interim assistance of ₹1,000 crore for the state. A detailed survey will be conducted of the damage to agriculture, power and other sectors, besides damage to houses," he said.

PM Narendra Modi today arrived in Bengal to consider the path of demolition deserted by serious cyclonic tempest Amphan, Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee and Governor Jagdeep Dhankhar came to get him alongside the senior state BJP administration. Modi and Banrejee then together led an ethereal study of the regions

influenced by Amphan, said to be the most grounded super typhoon to have made a landfall in the Bay of Bengal zone since 1999. 

Amphan made its landfall in West Bengal on Wednesday evening and caused extreme harms in different pieces of the state with a breeze speed extending from 155 to 185 kmph, joined by substantial precipitation. In any event 80 individuals have lost their lives because of the serious cyclonic tempest, according to sources.

On Thursday, Banerjee had said, "I would request Prime Minister Narendra Modi to come and visit the affected areas," adding that she had never witnessed such a severe cyclone in her entire life.

Earlier, the Prime Minister had tweeted: "Have been seeing visuals from West Bengal on the devastation caused by Cyclone Amphan. In this challenging hour, the entire nation stands in solidarity with West Bengal. Praying for the well-being of the people of the state. Efforts are on to ensure normalcy."
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