Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday asked the ministers to take Wednesday's Parliament security breach incident seriously, sources said. In a major security breach on the anniversary of the 2001 Parliament terror attack on Wednesday, two men — Sagar Sharma and Manoranjan D — jumped into the Lok Sabha chamber from the public gallery during the Zero Hour, released a yellow-coloured smoke from canisters and shouted slogans before being overpowered by the MPs. Around the same time, two others, including a woman, raised slogans and released yellow smoke from canisters outside the Parliament premises, prompting the police to get into action and round up the duo. 

The Prime Minister also stressed that security

is one of the main points for the government and it should not be compromised, sources said. 

The four accused arrested have been charged under anti-terror law UAPA besides sections of Indian Penal Code, even as raids are being conducted at several places to nab Lalit Jha, suspected to be the key conspirator, police sources said on Thursday.

Meanwhile, eight Delhi Police personnel have been suspended for a security breach in Parliament, sources said on Thursday. The suspended police personnel were on deputation for Parliament security and tasked with frisking visitors and mediapersons. Delhi Police personnel are deployed to frisk those entering the Parliament complex as well as the building.
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