New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi chaired a high-level meeting yesterday evening to review the status of Covid and its Omicron variant. Mr Modi took stock of public health response measures for containment and management of COVID, strengthening of health infrastructure including the availability of drugs, oxygen cylinders and concentrators, ventilators, and status of vaccination.
The Prime Minister has directed the officials to maintain high level of vigil and alertness at all levels. Mr Modi directed the Centre to work in close coordination with the States to support their efforts of public health measures of containment and management under the ‘Whole of Government’ approach.
Prime Minister said that the strategy of the Centre for proactive, focussed, collaborative and cooperative fight against the pandemic should guide all future actions.
Mr Modi also said that people should be Satark and Saavdhan in view of the new variant. Prime Minister said the fight against the pandemic is not over and the need for continued adherence to COVID safe behaviour is of paramount importance even today.
Mr Modi directed the officials to ensure that the health systems in the states, beginning from the district level, are strengthened to meet any challenge posed by the new variant.
Prime Minister stressed the importance for States to ensure that the Oxygen supply equipments are installed and fully functional. Mr Modi asked the officials to work with the states on a
regular basis and review the status of preparedness of various components of health infrastructure. Prime Minister also directed officials for effective use of IT tools for tele-medicine and tele-consultation.
Prime Minister called for heightened and close monitoring of emerging clusters and hotspots through and active, prompt and effective surveillance. He directed for sending a good number of positive samples for genome sequencing to INSACOG Labs in a prompt manner. Mr Modi emphasised that the focus should also be on effective contact tracing for curbing spread of the transmission.
Prime Minister directed officials that the Central Government should send teams to states with low vaccination, rising cases, insufficient health infrastructure to assist them improve the situation.
Mr Modi was apprised of the progress in vaccination across the country. He was apprised that more than 88 percent of the eligible population has been administered the first dose of COVID19 vaccine and more than 60 percent of the eligible population has received the second dose.
Officials briefed Prime Minister that the door-to-door Har Ghar Dastak vaccination campaign to mobilise and vaccinate people has been able to motivate people to take the COVID vaccine.
Mr Modi directed that States need to ensure that the eligible population is fully vaccinated against COVID, and to proceed to meet the target in a saturation mode.